Dear Cooker and/or Eater: I’m Janice Ramirez from MonsterMediaYuma.com. I love the kitchen. I love everything about the kitchen. The special tools, pans, cutting boards and cute cutlery……well, just about anything that comes in handy when I’m workin’ it. Now, not everyone uses the kitchen to make magic but, lots of folks like to eat the magic we come up with, right? So this is a place for both the cooker and the eater. Whether it’s a recipe that I found and passed along to you on this page… or a recipe I created myself to make your life a little easier and your taste buds happier, you can check it out here. The bottom line is, click on Food-E-Licious every week. AFTER I WHIP IT UP, I CHANGE IT UP HERE ON THIS PAGE. Take a look, Feel free to do what we all do as hobby chefs…go ahead… improvise on these sweet instructions and created your own goodness. Heck…drop me an email…and give me your favorite creation, I may pick your recipe to be on the page. So, until next time, “Stir It Up Baby…and ENJOY!”
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